Building Super Staff Heroes!


changing The World, One Hero at a Time.

Tuesday, September 6
Day 3 R1
12:30 Book Tasting in Grade 3, Check it Out!

Wednesday, September 7
Day 4 R1
*Math Collaboration w/ Susan
*Intervention Collaboration 
11:00  Instructional Coaching Collaboration w/ Admin
2:00 Student Meeting w/ Browne & Wirth

Thursday, September 8
Day 5 R1
*Literacy Collaboration w/ Megan
8:30  Student Assistance Program (SAP) District Meeting

Friday, September 9
Day 6 R1
*Team Collaborations
*Intervention- Math/ Literacy Collaboration
8:30  District Principal & Administration Meeting

A quick tool as we focus on building up our best selves!
The Character Strong Weekly.... A two minute video to help support our daily work!

*Thank you to ALL of our staff for engaging in a very strong start of the school year!
*A special thank you to the coaches & leadership team members for planning back to school professional development!
*Thank you to Lisa H. for creating the ever popular interactive bulletin boards!
*Thank you to Barb to organizing materials this summer to be sure we all have what is needed!
*Thank you to staff who are rowing through new waters with Bridges Math & Number corner!
*Thank you to each staff member who participated in summer data, small group literacy instruction professional development and small group intervention planning!
*Thank you to our special education staff for time spent in preparation to share IEP's at a Glance and to the certified and support staff who contributed to the discussions to support a successful back to school transition for kiddos!
